Recommendations For Improving Your Garden Soil

The condition of your soil has a big effect on your yard landscaping's appearance and the quality of vegetables you can grow in your backyard garden. For this reason, it is a good idea to evaluate your soil's health and condition either by testing it locally or with a soil test kit you can use at home or just by how your vegetation grows. Here are some recommendations for improving your garden soil for better vegetation and landscaping health.

Use the Soil

One of the best ways to help your soil's condition is to use it for growing vegetation. When you plan vegetation in the soil, the roots of the plants go through the soil to loosen and add air pockets to the soil. Then, organic materials from the vegetation when it sheds leaves and other dead material will decompose in the soil and add nutrients back. Earthworms are attracted to vegetation growth in the soil and the worms will help break down organic materials to leave behind their casing, which are rich in nutrients to further boost your soil's health. 

When you plant vegetation in your soil, it also helps prevent soil compaction and erosion from rain and wind. The roots of your plants growing in the soil hold the soil in place better than if the soil is bare. Some gardeners will plant cover crops, such as flax, spinach, radishes, or grasses, which essentially shelter the soil when it is not being used or it is resting for a season until it can be used again to grow vegetables or other crops. 

Add Compost

Compost added to your soil is a direct way to add back nutrients to the soil when it is hard with clay or poorly draining with sand. Your plants need nutrients to grow, and compost will boost these levels for healthy vegetation. You can order compost from a landscape supply company or a garden shop, or you can make your own compost from materials you likely already have in your yard.

Kitchen scraps from fruits and vegetables make good compost, which you can add to a compost pile or bin in your yard. Layer in the scraps with materials, such as grass clippings, shredded wood and newspaper, leaves, and some chicken or cow manure from a local farm or agricultural supplier. Let the compost sit in the sun, stirring it regularly, and you can get rich compost that will boost your soil's nutrient content. You may also want to order a load of composted soil or a mulch, which you can cover your soil with and let it break down naturally.

Reach out to a professional who provides soil supplies for more information. 
